As a result of COVID-19, group classes are running online through the summer.
From September, I am delighted to be returning to Portishead Youth Centre for face to face (socially distanced) classes. I will also continue to offer online classes and videos. Allowing you to find the right package for you.
Group Classes will be running for September / October as follows:
Monday 7 pm, Portishead Youth Centre - Suitable for all levels;
Tuesday 9.30 am, Portishead Youth Centre - Gentle Pilates;
Wednesday 8 pm, Online (via Zoom) - Suitable for all levels;
Thursday 9.30 am, Portishead Youth Centre - Improvers Pilates;
Saturday 9 am, Portishead Youth Centre - Suitable for all levels.
Keeping you all safe is my main priority at the moment. I want you to be safe and feel safe. These are some of the changes you can expect:
Strict class size numbers and increased space between mats;
Hygiene stations at entry point;
No shared equipment;
No hands on correction (but lots more verbal cues);
Windows and / or doors open for more ventilation;
COVID 19 Risk Assessment carried out by both the hall owners and by myself (both available upon request);
Depending on the halls – one way systems, floor marking and separate entrance and exit points.
The photo shown is the Main Hall at Portishead Youth Centre. They have helpfully marked out 2 metre square boxes. We will be using every other box so there will be a clear 2 metres between you and anyone else in the room.